Friday, March 15, 2013

Little Things That Make a BIG Difference!


Today was a longgg day! In fact, its almost 3am here... but it was my first day in the city and I wanted to share a few seemingly small differences in lifestyle that I have noticed since arriving in France. Keep in mind it was my first day and I live in a very small town, so my first observations may be slightly off. Once I start classes on Monday (at 6am D:) I'm sure i'll offer lots of enlightening cultural information for you all... but for now i've learned this:

1) In France... they eat every hour. I am not over exaggerating. If you are at all hungry it is the end of the world and you will be promptly stuffed with croissants, all types of cheese, and local yogurt.

2) In most places i've been the ceilings look like floors and the floors look like ceilings, its an odd observation, but if you were here... you'd find it to be quite true. 

3) Bottled water and France Tap water tastes exactly the same. Its Awesome!

4)Knowing French is helpful... Today my very terrible French translation of "May I please order a drink?" and "Can we have the check please?" saved 15 of us VERY American students at the local bar. I'm glad I learned that before I came... I'm also glad going to the bar here is legal for us, because it's a really great way to meet people in the city.

5) No matter how many European-Style clothes you put on... the French will always pick out that you are American... if by miracle they don't notice... the second they speak to you and receive a very excited, blank stare... they WILL know, and they'll probably laugh at you... but I don't think it's in a rude way.

6) The Grocery store is a scary place if you don't know much French. If there' wasn't a picture on the box... It was very difficult to figure out what something was. I learned at least 10 words in the 10 minutes I awkwardly darted around trying to find snacks. I also frustrated the check out lady quite a bit. Apparently you need to buy your grocery bags. That would make sense if they were right at the check out... but they were clear across the store and I could not remember what "bag" is in French for the life of me! The man behind me in line laughed his butt off as I attempted rough sign language while frequently repeating the word "Desole" Which means "Sorry"

7) The speed limit is not obeyed. The police are virtually non-existent, and the road signs are all different.If you walk in the street... you will get run over.

8) The French call Foosball "Baby Foot."

9) In my town, the people are very nice. I was warned they may be "snooty" but I think that may be more applicable in Paris. Here, many people greet us happily. We are also know as "The American Students" because for a little while we traveled in a pack of all 21 of us from the different JWU campuses... Then we learned that we stand out too much if we do that.

10) I could continue on, but I will finish for now with the bathrooms. They are crazy. The toilet seats are so thin that maybe 1/4 of my butt fits on it. The toilet paper is pink?! You push all types of different buttons to flush. Public toilets sometimes have no toilet seat. Don't waste your time looking for a "ladies" room... there aren't very many. And don't be alarmed when you go into the unisex bathroom and there is a guy openly peeing in the urinal next to the stall. All of this is normal. 

The best part of this post is that all these weird, awesome, and downright gross differences I have encountered... make this temporary home even more fantastic. If something is bizarre, you call it "Cultural" and its suddenly beautiful! Its Day 2 and I already want to stay forever!

I'll start posting pictures over the next few days, haven't found time yet!

Goodbye until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I would have loved to see your face the first time you encountered the unisex bathroom! Hahahaha!!
